Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Lord's Supper

Well, today at our Hot Spot we talked about Communion and the importance of remembering. The problem I'm having is that I feel like there are a lot of people out there that over look the importance of taking of the Lords Supper. I think when people take it they are taking for granted what they are doing, and or supposed to be doing. I feel that we have labeled it as something that we do because Jesus told us to and forget about what it symbolizes.

What are we doing when we take communion? Well, Jesus said when he broke the bread " this is my body; which is for you, do this in remembrance of me" and " this is the new covenant in my blood; do this whenever you drink this in remembrance of me". So what are we doing? Remembering, acknowledging the body of Christ. Yes, the physical body that got beet up and tore up for us, but what about the BODY OF CHRIST, us the church. Christ united the church. Anyone who believes in Christ Jesus the Son of God our Saviour is a brother of mine and we are one in Christ and part of the same BODY,and in taking the fruit of the vine we are remembering the new covenant in His blood, in Jeremiah 31 it tells us of the new covenant that Jesus signed with His blood. No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, 'Know the LORD,' because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest," declares the LORD. "For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more."

So, what are we doing when we take part in the Lords Supper? What is it symbolizing? We are proclaiming the death of Jesus Christ until the day that He comes back!!! So I say what are we supposed to do on Sunday mornings? We are supposed to PROCLAIM THE DEATH OF JESUS CHRIST AND TEACH CHRIST RESURRECTED!!! So make the focus of the Sunday morning fellowship the Lords Supper, then sing songs, and praise the Lord and preach the GOOD NEWS, leave and go do God's work. AMEN

Read 1 Corinthians and study it I know I am.

Monday, November 19, 2007

What Am I Going To Do?

Do you get your check at the end of the week and wonder where your next dollar is going to go? Do you ever worry about how your going to buy food for the week, or gas? How often do you worry about cloths, or bills? I know I do every day. Well, not anymore, because I know that those are all going to be answered. Have you ever waisted a day on worries? How many times have you gotten in bed at night and realized you waisted your whole day worrying about something that is going to happen the next day or next week? Look back on those days and think about how many opportunities you missed for good conversation with your co workers, or family. Is it worth it? Do you like feeling miserable all day? Stress, is that something you like? I know I don't, and I know that has happened to me one to many times in my life. So, guess what, I'm not doing it anymore. Why? I'm glad you asked.

Matthew 6:34 "Therefor do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Jesus said this. If Jesus our Lord and savior is telling us this then we need to listen. Earlier in chapter six he tells us that God knows what we need, and He will provide it for us. Does a bird worry about cloths, or food? No. God provides the bird with food, why wouldn't He do the same for His children? If your worrying about these things then how are you focusing on the things that God wants us to focus on? Verse 33 of chapter six tells us to "seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." He wants us to focus on Him, and because He wants us to focus on Him, God is going to give us these things so we don't have to be burdened by these things and can focus on His glory and not on our junk of life. Jesus will make our burden light, He has promised us all these things that we worry about so that we don't have too. I can't stress this enough, don't worry about these earthly things about food, or cloths Matthew 6:27 "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" Not me, I know that everything I have is given to me by God, nothing I do, or try to do is going to change that. I'm not in charge and guess what, I don't want to be the one to break this to you but neither are you. God is, Jesus has been given all authority not me, so I don't care how much I want or think I want I'm not going to have it unless Jesus wants me to. So, why worry about it? If Jesus has given you eternal life, what right do you have to worry about such simple things as food? He has given you life eternal and everything that comes with it, and here on earth that means food and cloths and drink. He knows, and will take care of your needs.

What about all those times when you were worried about these things and missed out on an opportunity to witness to a co worker, or teach your family about God and his everlasting love for them? Cause I know when I worry I am too stressed out to even listen to what anyone has to say. So, just chill out and focus on the Kingdom of God and help grow His Kingdom and He will take care of the rest. See we aren't promised tomorrow, and today is a gift, so use this day that He has given you, not to stress about tomorrow, but to grow His Kingdom today, and If the Lord is willing He will give you tomorrow to do it again.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Today I was teaching a Sunday school class called Kid Zone. Our congregation isn't quite big enough yet being a news church to split the kids up in different classes according to there age. So all of our kids go to the same class. Anyway, I was teaching the kids about the time when Elija went to the mountain of the Lord and God spoke to him in a whisper. I wasn't really happy about teaching today, not because I didn't want to do it, but because I went to the nascar race yesterday and I was crazy tired. I also didn't feel that I was prepared enough. I lost the paper work that the person who does Kid Zone gave me on the lesson. By the time I got new copies it was Friday. I didn't study as much as I like to before I teach.

I woke up early this morning and went over 1Kings 19 again to refresh before I got to church. The whole drive to church I was nervous and scared, to be completely honest. I didn't want to bomb in front of these kids who need to be taught with confidence and the up most understanding so that they can get the most out of what the lesson is. Well we were in the service and it felt like the time went by faster than normal for the kids to come back. I prayed to God to please take over and let these children get the message straight from Him. And He sure did. The great part about that is that if I'm up there and it's not me teaching. Whether or not it's the children or the adults I get just as much out of the lesson as they do. If I'm not the one teaching I get to listen, so If I'm up there and I just let God take over than I don't have to worry about bombing first of all, and second, I get to listen to the message.

I learned something that I have been forgetting lately. I pray constantly through the day, and I ask God for the things I need according to His will, and to give me the strength to get through the day, and for my kids and so on and so forth. But, the biggest thing I have been forgetting to do is shut up and listen. I ask God for advise and then I hang up the phone. I don't even give Him a chance to answer me. That's insane, like asking your boss for the day off and then walking away, then getting mad when I come into work. Or buying a map and putting it under the seat with out even cracking it open. No wonder your lost.

This is what happens, we give God our requests and ask Him for the answers to our questions, or problems. Then we get off our knees and tackle the issue ourselves. Well I've got bad news, when we do that and try to do these things ourselves we fall short. See , I can't do anything right, not by my self, I need the help from someone. I know I can't do it, but I also know He can. And He can through me, and in Him I will. I know this because if the even the foolishness of got is far greater than the wisest of men,( 1 Corinthians 1:25)then I know that He can make no mistakes. So if He tells me turn left and I don't hear him I'll turn right without a doubt, but if I just shut up and listen I can hear the whispers and turn in the right direction,the God direction.

So If you feel like your prayers aren't being answered or perhaps your not getting the answers for your questions, I suggest you stop and examine your self. Ask yourself , do you submit your request and leave it, or do you shut up and listen? How often do you drive in your car with the windows up and the radio off and give Him an opportunity to talk to you? Do you really know Jesus, is your relationship with Him good enough so that when He talks you will recognize His voice? If not go right now and pick up your phone, or write an e mail ask someone to introduce you to Him. Drop to your knees and humble yourself to know that you are talking to the creator of everything you know and beg Him to help you know Him. Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened unto you. Matthew 7:7
Jesus tells us this is all we have to do so if you haven't asked, seeked, or knocked please do He is waiting to take you into His arms. Oh, and when you pray, just shut up and listen.

Friday, November 2, 2007


Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord Always; I will say it again: REJOICE!!!

That's right, rejoice in the lord ALWAYS, not some of the time, or when things are going good. Rejoice when things are going not so good, or bad for that matter. How easy is it to be pleased with God when He is giving you everything you ask for? Or when you can pay all your bills, or get a new car. What about when you lose your truck, your job, and your house? Or when your driving down the street? Or when your working that job you can't stand? How easy is it then?

Well, it's not. In fact if it was, what good would that be? It says rejoice Always. During the good and the bad, for richer or for poorer, through sickness and in health, for all of eternity. Unconditional, unending, uncircumstantial, no matter what, screaming, rejoicing from the roof top, Love for our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

God shapes us, He has this plan. He gives us the tools, knowledge and ability to use such tools, in order to do a great service for Him. He strengthens us through these trials He lets us go through. He lets us experience different hardships so that we can grow into the person He wants us to be for us to be used in accordance to His purpose. His will, is for His glory, to make Him happy. This isn't my story, or your story, this is His story, and he wants us to have a roll, weather big, or small, we get a part in His great story. (as the pastor from whispering pines cc. says) And that's a great opportunity, so REJOICE, you have a part in the greatest story of all, and when you go through those hard times, REJOICE, because He is letting you grow, and mold to the person He wants you to be, so that He can use you. So stay talking to him always, and listen and learn, for it is He who is the greatest teacher, and He who will show you the way to do His will. REJOICE, because you have been chosen to do His, God's work.
1 Thessalonians 5:15-19 Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

With the glory always and forever given to our Lord God, in the name of our savior Christ Jesus, amen