Monday, December 31, 2007


I once wrote a blog titled "The Living Word", in which I talked about the Bible and how the words never change, but what I get out of those words changes almost every time I read them. The Bible is God's written word and has all authority. What the Bible tells me is what I need to live by. because this is God telling me what to do. Now God being the creator of all that we know, and above everything tells me what to do I need to listen. Also when it says what not to do I should listen. I would think that this is a basic belief for all Christians. Especially when this same book tells me what the result of not listening is.

I was having a conversation with someone not too long ago and I'm not sure how but the conversation(like it usually does with me) ended up being a spiritual discussion. One of the things that the other party said really got to me. "I don't really agree with some of the things that the bible says". What? I can understand not accepting everything that I, or any one person says, but the Bible? I don't always agree with what my pastor says or does, what my father says or does, but I will always go back to check out what the Bible says about it so I know where to put my beliefs. So, one person no, but the Bible yes. I don't care who you are or how long you have been alive, if the bible says something different then I have no choice but to go with that. I know that the Bible is God's word, I know that everything that He wants me to know He will tell me through it. So when someone tells me that they don't agree with some of what the Bible says I say then how do you believe any of what it says?

We have been given this incredible "gift" if you will of free will. God gave us the power to choose. He also gave us the Bible so that we know what to choose. We know what is right and what is wrong, we know what the results of our choices are and we know eventually we will have to accept the reward or consequence of our actions. We choose to believe or not to believe or I guess what we believe. But I tell you that I believe in Christ resurrected. I believe in God incarnate coming to die so we don't have to . I believe that "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and He was with God in the beginning." I also believe that the words that were given to us so graciously by God so that we could be eternally with Him in Paradise namely the Bible has all authority over my life, and that I shouldn't make a choice no matter how big or how small without consulting God through prayer and the Bible. I encourage you to do the same.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Private Practice

When a doctor comes out of Med. school, or a lawyer out of law school they often get a job with another physician or a hospital, or an already existing law firm. When they get a little more experience a lot of them go out on their own. If you were to ask a doctor or lawyer what they do for a living they will tell you that they practice law, or medicine. Practice huh? You would think or hope that when you go to a doctor or lawyer they wouldn't have to practice anymore they will know what they are doing. Well no matter how good they are or we think they are they will always learn something new. They will always get a little better at their jobs.

My dad often tells me that no matter how old he gets he learns something new everyday. I will have to agree with this because I often learn something new everyday. No one ever really knows everything there is to know about everything. So when these doctors and lawyers get there own office these are known as "Private Practices" because they are practicing, growing and getting better everyday. The same thin applies to me and you. Everyday we will learn something new, and everyday we should. I have a private practice, and that is Christianity. I have been learning so much everyday, when I talk to the people that I go to with my bible questions, or as I dig into the Word and God tells me something. You can go years thinking that you understand something about the Bible and then all of the sudden one day you get something different about that particular subject.

In everyday life you go through your day and if you work its more often than not, pretty ordinary. Every day same little routine, you go through your day like you always do. You don't even have to think about it, heck you probably don't even need to wake up all the way, you can get by some days just going through the motions. That's dangerous to do. God puts things in front of you everyday, opportunities to serve and do His work. To witness to someone or to set a God example to the people around you. When you become a Christian you start to notice things changing in your everyday life. The things you used to do you don't do anymore, your attitude towards people changes, from being a jerk who really doesn't care about others, to some one who loves everyone he comes in contact with. And truly cares when he sees someone he doesn't even know going through some hard times. You are constantly growing and maturing in Christ. You change for the better and the older you get, the more consistent these things that you never knew, or thought you would do you are dong and can't see any other way. Not because you are trying so hard to do it, it just comes natural. It is natural, you allow the Spirit to lead you in your ever day walk and you change with out knowing. You become a better Christian. Your everyday life is a Private Practice.

See that's exactly what Christianity is, it's not a religion, it's a private practice. You devote your life to growing and maturing in Christ Jesus, using the Spirit everyday and feeling weird if you don't do something putting others first. The more you study and pray and allow the Spirit to take over you become more and more like Christ. Looking and acting like you know He does and not even knowing that your changing. How do you become a better doctor, lawyer, athlete? I believe the phrase is "practice makes perfect" well, that applies to Christianity. You will never feel a greater satisfaction than that of growing and maturing in Christ. So if you haven't pushed all your chips into the center of the table, taken the leap and started your own private practice, or perhaps need help getting started, go find someone who can tell you how to get your own "Private Practice". Don't worry there isn't a bar exam or anything like that all you have to do is believe and devote your life to Christ and His work.

Monday, December 3, 2007

I'm All In

Las Vegas-

The room is dark, and smokey. There are hundreds of people watching, the drinks are flowing but still the room is quiet. The only light in the room is above your head and that's dim because of your sunglasses. Your elbows on the green felt, sweat beading on your for head, the inside brim or your visor is soaked with the sweat of nervousness. Three people left out of at least 300. It's been a long, stressful day, but you made it to the last table, with three of you left. Your friends and family said you wouldn't ever make it this far in the Texas Hold- Em world series. You throw in the big blind and the dealer starts to deal. You look at your cards and see pocket aces. You hold in your excitement not to show the chip leader across the table who has been after the rookie all night. Stone faced you start the first round of betting, the guy to your left folds right out of the gate. The chip leader looks at you and calls, "shoot!" you can't help but think he also has something good. Here comes the flop, three spades, but wait the last one is an ace. Now you have three aces, but who knows what he has, lets see how he bets. He raises big, now this is either your chance to make a name for yourself or he knows he has the flush. What do you do, this could be your chance to double up and become the chip leader, and the way you've been playing all day that would almost seal the deal, you could control the rest of the game from here on out. What do you do? See if the next two cards come out and he gets the flush, but your stuck with three aces you lose and your out all that time and money. This is where the choice gets tough.

What if you knew that one of those cards was going to be an ace? What if the dealer promised and showed you the next two cards? In fact he showed everyone but you were the only one to see. Would you fold, or go all in? 4th down and 3, 45 seconds left in the fourth quarter down by six, your on the 18 yard line what do you do? Well what if you knew without a doubt that the linebackers were going to go into pass coverage and the left end was without a doubt going to trip at the snap and leave a huge gap to run through? Would you go for it? I would.

In fact I did, not the poker thing or the football thing, but the God thing. You know God calls us all to do His work, to minister to other people, serving the Lord. He tells us what He wants us to do, and gives us all the tools to do it. Our skills, our gifts, our passions. He allows us to go through junk so that we can come through stronger and wiser on the other side, to give us a testimony for the things that He has done for us. A way to communicate His greatness to others through personal experience. James 1:2-4 "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." God allows us to go through these things that we may be better equipped to do His work. Have you ever noticed that every time you go through something and come out the other side there is usually someone waiting that is about to go through the same thing, or something very similar? Think about it, do you think that is just by chance? No, it's God giving you the opportunity to do His work by using the tool He just gave you! Isn't that cool! He puts people in front of us all the time who need some help getting through something that we have already gone through, but we have to say yes. How many times are you with a group of believers maybe at church service, or midweek bible study, or perhaps an e mail sent to all the members of your church, from the pastor, or someone asking for help? Now, how many times have you not responded or held your mouth shut, because you were scared that you would have to devote time or money to this person. Or afraid to leave your comfort zone, and be in a strange place away from family or friends with a big job in front of you that your afraid you can't do. Well, your probably right, but if God is the one who puts this stuff in front of you and you accept His work than you shouldn't worry, because you aren't the one who will be doing the work really it's the Spirit in you. So, don't say no, especially because of fear, because I promise you that God wouldn't put anything in front of you that you can't handle, and He will give you the strength as long as you ask for it. He will provide everything for you to do the things according to His will and that's all that matters anyway, His will.

So, push all your chips to the center of the table, sit back take off your shades and let the dealer deal out the winning ace, because you know it's a sure thing. Make the call to the quarter back to hand it to the running back, tell him to run left and jump over the left end, take off your head phones and prepare for the bucket of Gatorade and ice, because it's a sure thing. Say yes to God and all His works, because He is always a sure thing and He'll make sure you get the ace or the three yards you need to finish His perfect will.

Sunday, December 2, 2007


Ahh, Christmas, my favorite time of the year. I know that there are a lot of people out there that feel the same way about it. The lights, the music, the cookies, the decorations, the feeling of joy in the air. This is a time of year when people think twice about how they act towards somebody else. They let them pull out in front of them in traffic, skip in line at the grocery store if they only have a few items compared to their basket full. Giving to the salvation army, or presents. People think about others, charities, and people who could use a little help. I wonder why that is. Is there a reason why people become, well lets just say it. More Godly. This hit me this morning at church. Billy in the sermon referenced this idea of the Christmas Spirit. I'm sure you have all heard someone say that at least once in your life " I'm filled with the Christmas Spirit." I wonder if that is accurate. Is it just by chance that at this time of the year this all takes place? I'm not sure that I think so. I wonder if anyone has ever entertained the idea that the fact that this time of year just so happens to be the same time when Jesus was born, and that having a lot to do with it.

Giving, humbling, loving, filled with joy, singing a happy song, putting others first. Why does this sound familiar to me? Oh, that's right it's because these are all characteristics of Jesus Christ. How funny is it that people do these things for others around that time. Jesus Christ our savior, the one who has been given the name above all names, the one who has all authority, the one whom in all things were created, and all things created for, was born into a human body, lived a perfect life and then became obedient to death so that all of our sins would be forgiven, was born in this time. I think that has a lot to do with these feelings. We are influenced by just the presence, and I think that this time of year is the perfect way to show examples of how awesome God is. People who normally wouldn't do these things for others, do in fact do them.

Lets go back a couple of steps and look at Halloween. What does that do? What does that "holiday" bring out of people. Fear, mischief, evil. This is a celebration of evil is it not. Horror movies on TV, stories about murder, and monsters, and ghosts, demons. People walking around dressed up as these things. Dressed up as the devil himself. The devil claimed himself a holiday, where people go out and prepare, and decorate and enjoy this. Yet another testimony on how powerful God is. Our church is one of a few that I know of that do this thing called trunk or treat. We take the evil out and put God in. Take the scary out and put happy in. Take out vampires and demons and put in princesses and super heroes. Play christian music instead of scary sounds. This is God at work. God defeating the devil, good triumphant over evil.

How do we beat it for good? We take these people who are filled with this so called "Christmas Spirit" and show them that it's the Holy Spirit of God at work. Introduce them to the Christ that they celebrate at this time of year. Show them that this feeling of joy isn't limited to the month of December. That the spiritual gift that God gives is better than any gift Santa Clause's elf's can build. That the giving and love for others and family never has to stop. That God is around for the other 11 months too, including October. That this feeling of joy comes from serving not being served. And the material things that we lust for are unimportant in life, that the Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior's birthday should be celebrated for the remainder 364 days in every year as well. Glory be to God all mighty for ever and ever. Amen

Lets set this example after Christmas too.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Lord's Supper

Well, today at our Hot Spot we talked about Communion and the importance of remembering. The problem I'm having is that I feel like there are a lot of people out there that over look the importance of taking of the Lords Supper. I think when people take it they are taking for granted what they are doing, and or supposed to be doing. I feel that we have labeled it as something that we do because Jesus told us to and forget about what it symbolizes.

What are we doing when we take communion? Well, Jesus said when he broke the bread " this is my body; which is for you, do this in remembrance of me" and " this is the new covenant in my blood; do this whenever you drink this in remembrance of me". So what are we doing? Remembering, acknowledging the body of Christ. Yes, the physical body that got beet up and tore up for us, but what about the BODY OF CHRIST, us the church. Christ united the church. Anyone who believes in Christ Jesus the Son of God our Saviour is a brother of mine and we are one in Christ and part of the same BODY,and in taking the fruit of the vine we are remembering the new covenant in His blood, in Jeremiah 31 it tells us of the new covenant that Jesus signed with His blood. No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, 'Know the LORD,' because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest," declares the LORD. "For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more."

So, what are we doing when we take part in the Lords Supper? What is it symbolizing? We are proclaiming the death of Jesus Christ until the day that He comes back!!! So I say what are we supposed to do on Sunday mornings? We are supposed to PROCLAIM THE DEATH OF JESUS CHRIST AND TEACH CHRIST RESURRECTED!!! So make the focus of the Sunday morning fellowship the Lords Supper, then sing songs, and praise the Lord and preach the GOOD NEWS, leave and go do God's work. AMEN

Read 1 Corinthians and study it I know I am.

Monday, November 19, 2007

What Am I Going To Do?

Do you get your check at the end of the week and wonder where your next dollar is going to go? Do you ever worry about how your going to buy food for the week, or gas? How often do you worry about cloths, or bills? I know I do every day. Well, not anymore, because I know that those are all going to be answered. Have you ever waisted a day on worries? How many times have you gotten in bed at night and realized you waisted your whole day worrying about something that is going to happen the next day or next week? Look back on those days and think about how many opportunities you missed for good conversation with your co workers, or family. Is it worth it? Do you like feeling miserable all day? Stress, is that something you like? I know I don't, and I know that has happened to me one to many times in my life. So, guess what, I'm not doing it anymore. Why? I'm glad you asked.

Matthew 6:34 "Therefor do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Jesus said this. If Jesus our Lord and savior is telling us this then we need to listen. Earlier in chapter six he tells us that God knows what we need, and He will provide it for us. Does a bird worry about cloths, or food? No. God provides the bird with food, why wouldn't He do the same for His children? If your worrying about these things then how are you focusing on the things that God wants us to focus on? Verse 33 of chapter six tells us to "seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." He wants us to focus on Him, and because He wants us to focus on Him, God is going to give us these things so we don't have to be burdened by these things and can focus on His glory and not on our junk of life. Jesus will make our burden light, He has promised us all these things that we worry about so that we don't have too. I can't stress this enough, don't worry about these earthly things about food, or cloths Matthew 6:27 "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" Not me, I know that everything I have is given to me by God, nothing I do, or try to do is going to change that. I'm not in charge and guess what, I don't want to be the one to break this to you but neither are you. God is, Jesus has been given all authority not me, so I don't care how much I want or think I want I'm not going to have it unless Jesus wants me to. So, why worry about it? If Jesus has given you eternal life, what right do you have to worry about such simple things as food? He has given you life eternal and everything that comes with it, and here on earth that means food and cloths and drink. He knows, and will take care of your needs.

What about all those times when you were worried about these things and missed out on an opportunity to witness to a co worker, or teach your family about God and his everlasting love for them? Cause I know when I worry I am too stressed out to even listen to what anyone has to say. So, just chill out and focus on the Kingdom of God and help grow His Kingdom and He will take care of the rest. See we aren't promised tomorrow, and today is a gift, so use this day that He has given you, not to stress about tomorrow, but to grow His Kingdom today, and If the Lord is willing He will give you tomorrow to do it again.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Today I was teaching a Sunday school class called Kid Zone. Our congregation isn't quite big enough yet being a news church to split the kids up in different classes according to there age. So all of our kids go to the same class. Anyway, I was teaching the kids about the time when Elija went to the mountain of the Lord and God spoke to him in a whisper. I wasn't really happy about teaching today, not because I didn't want to do it, but because I went to the nascar race yesterday and I was crazy tired. I also didn't feel that I was prepared enough. I lost the paper work that the person who does Kid Zone gave me on the lesson. By the time I got new copies it was Friday. I didn't study as much as I like to before I teach.

I woke up early this morning and went over 1Kings 19 again to refresh before I got to church. The whole drive to church I was nervous and scared, to be completely honest. I didn't want to bomb in front of these kids who need to be taught with confidence and the up most understanding so that they can get the most out of what the lesson is. Well we were in the service and it felt like the time went by faster than normal for the kids to come back. I prayed to God to please take over and let these children get the message straight from Him. And He sure did. The great part about that is that if I'm up there and it's not me teaching. Whether or not it's the children or the adults I get just as much out of the lesson as they do. If I'm not the one teaching I get to listen, so If I'm up there and I just let God take over than I don't have to worry about bombing first of all, and second, I get to listen to the message.

I learned something that I have been forgetting lately. I pray constantly through the day, and I ask God for the things I need according to His will, and to give me the strength to get through the day, and for my kids and so on and so forth. But, the biggest thing I have been forgetting to do is shut up and listen. I ask God for advise and then I hang up the phone. I don't even give Him a chance to answer me. That's insane, like asking your boss for the day off and then walking away, then getting mad when I come into work. Or buying a map and putting it under the seat with out even cracking it open. No wonder your lost.

This is what happens, we give God our requests and ask Him for the answers to our questions, or problems. Then we get off our knees and tackle the issue ourselves. Well I've got bad news, when we do that and try to do these things ourselves we fall short. See , I can't do anything right, not by my self, I need the help from someone. I know I can't do it, but I also know He can. And He can through me, and in Him I will. I know this because if the even the foolishness of got is far greater than the wisest of men,( 1 Corinthians 1:25)then I know that He can make no mistakes. So if He tells me turn left and I don't hear him I'll turn right without a doubt, but if I just shut up and listen I can hear the whispers and turn in the right direction,the God direction.

So If you feel like your prayers aren't being answered or perhaps your not getting the answers for your questions, I suggest you stop and examine your self. Ask yourself , do you submit your request and leave it, or do you shut up and listen? How often do you drive in your car with the windows up and the radio off and give Him an opportunity to talk to you? Do you really know Jesus, is your relationship with Him good enough so that when He talks you will recognize His voice? If not go right now and pick up your phone, or write an e mail ask someone to introduce you to Him. Drop to your knees and humble yourself to know that you are talking to the creator of everything you know and beg Him to help you know Him. Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened unto you. Matthew 7:7
Jesus tells us this is all we have to do so if you haven't asked, seeked, or knocked please do He is waiting to take you into His arms. Oh, and when you pray, just shut up and listen.

Friday, November 2, 2007


Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord Always; I will say it again: REJOICE!!!

That's right, rejoice in the lord ALWAYS, not some of the time, or when things are going good. Rejoice when things are going not so good, or bad for that matter. How easy is it to be pleased with God when He is giving you everything you ask for? Or when you can pay all your bills, or get a new car. What about when you lose your truck, your job, and your house? Or when your driving down the street? Or when your working that job you can't stand? How easy is it then?

Well, it's not. In fact if it was, what good would that be? It says rejoice Always. During the good and the bad, for richer or for poorer, through sickness and in health, for all of eternity. Unconditional, unending, uncircumstantial, no matter what, screaming, rejoicing from the roof top, Love for our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

God shapes us, He has this plan. He gives us the tools, knowledge and ability to use such tools, in order to do a great service for Him. He strengthens us through these trials He lets us go through. He lets us experience different hardships so that we can grow into the person He wants us to be for us to be used in accordance to His purpose. His will, is for His glory, to make Him happy. This isn't my story, or your story, this is His story, and he wants us to have a roll, weather big, or small, we get a part in His great story. (as the pastor from whispering pines cc. says) And that's a great opportunity, so REJOICE, you have a part in the greatest story of all, and when you go through those hard times, REJOICE, because He is letting you grow, and mold to the person He wants you to be, so that He can use you. So stay talking to him always, and listen and learn, for it is He who is the greatest teacher, and He who will show you the way to do His will. REJOICE, because you have been chosen to do His, God's work.
1 Thessalonians 5:15-19 Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

With the glory always and forever given to our Lord God, in the name of our savior Christ Jesus, amen

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


This is the only word that can actually explain how I feel, WOW!! For the past, oh I'm not sure three days, though it feels like forever, I've felt pretty down and out. I hit this season in my life that everyone told me would come, but I didn't give it a second thought. I felt like I've plateaued in my walk. Like I was running up the mountain and there was just a flat spot that I reached and I knew it wasn't the top because if I looked up I can see more mountain but in front of me just flat lands. Confused really, but also depressed. Here I am trying to get to the mountain top and I know I'm not there but have run out of places to climb. So what do I do? I just keep walking, hoping that I come to the mountain side and get to start climbing again.

Today, in fact not to long ago I ran smack into the side of the mountain. It's like I was looking down at my feet and not really paying attention then BOOM!! I look up and there it is, my mountain. That's an exiting feeling. I look back and think, that was pretty uncharacteristic of me to keep walking instead of sitting down in the dirt discouraged and lost. I kept walking in hopes I find my mountain side. There it is, I know why. There are more than one reason for that. First, is that I had hope. My hope that was given to me because of my relationship with Jesus Christ. That's right, with Christ there is always hope, because there is absolutely nothing that He can't do and there is absolutely nothing that He won't be able to get you through. He may not pull you out of the fire, but He will make sure wile your in there you won't get burnt. So what did I do? Well at the bottom of the mountain before I started climbing I had a guide. This is the one person I knew that knew the way up better than anyone else. When I figured out and told Him I trust Him and that I believe that He is the only one who can get me to the top I latched my rope to his back and started following Him up the mountain. After a while I got tired and started climbing slower and eventually take a brake, oh but not Him, He doesn't need a brake He's a professional climber the best there is and He just keeps on going, only because He knows my rope is connected to Him, and I keep calling out to make sure He is still there.

Eventually I realized that I couldn't see Him anymore so I started climbing again, and I got stronger and faster until I was looking like a pro climbing so fast. But, I got smart, I started cutting off pieces of the rope as I am catching up so if I fall behind again it won't be so far this time, and as I keep catching up to Him I'll cut off more and more. This way if I ever stop again the slack in the rope will tighten and give me a tug to keep me going.

That's exactly what happened. I thought I was stopping and I was going to fall behind again, but just as I got ready to stop the slack in the rope tightened and kept me walking, gave me that hope to keep going.

Now, I'm going to keep climbing and cutting off those pieces of the rope, I'm sure there will be more flat spots along the way and some pretty slick rocks. But that's OK, because I know that I've got my rope tied to the best climber there is and if I slip He'll be able to pull me past those tough spots and get me back on track. One day when I get to the top of this mountain He will be there and He'll put His arm around me and say" Good Job, son I"m proud of you."

See, Jesus is the way, and the truth, and the life, and the only way to get to the Father(the top of the mountain) is through Him. So lets make sure you take Him as your guide and clip onto His belt, because there is no other way up to the mountaintop.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

For God So Loved The World

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

Last night I read this verse, and this is just awesome. God loved us so much that He sent His only Son to die for us. To die FOR us, so that we don't have to. So Jesus, the Son of God, being in the very nature of God, as it says in Philippians, died for us. Wow! What does that say to you? Lets look at it this way, Jesus not only died for us, but he did so while we were still sinners. Romans 5:6-8 "You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." I've heard people talk about how their brother or sister, or mother, or father, etc, did something that made them angry to the point where they hate them, and don't speak to them for years. I have actually heard someone say to be that they hope their sister would die. That's crazy to me, Jesus(God on earth) came to die for us while we were sinners. And it's not like He came down here and some people got a hold of Him and killed Him. He allowed them to kill Him. He is God, death has no authority over Him and He became obedient to death. So, Jesus allowed Himself to die for us, so that we could be saved and have eternal life with Him in the Kingdom of God, and we are sinners. How many people would even take a punch for a guy that they just met. Not many, and this guy hasn't done anything wrong, imagine someone who has just cursed you or cut you off. That's love. in fact the bible tells us in John that there is no greater love than when someone lays his life down for someone else. No greater love, so there is no greater love than that of Christ Jesus because He didn't just lay His life down for you, or me, but for the WORLD. For all of us. So, that ANYONE who believes in Him, ANYONE will have eternal life. It's there, eternal life is right there, for anyone who wants it. All you have to do is believe in Jesus, have faith in God. The gift of salvation is right there in our hands all we have to do is open it.

The cool thing about eternal life, it starts now. Wait, wait, wait, what do you mean? Eternal life, you die you go to Heaven and that's eternal life. If that's what you think your missing the point. "that whoever believes in Him SHALL NOT PARISH, but have ETERNAL LIFE." See what is the result of sin? The answer is death, but that's the good news. Because of Jesus we no longer have to die for our sins, He already did. See the thing is, when I say eternal life begins now, I mean the day you are baptized into Jesus Christ you are put to death with Him, in Him you are dead to sin. Sin has no authority over you. Now, just as you were put to death with Jesus, don't you know that through the grace of God you will be resurrected with Him. Into a new life, no longer lead by sinful nature, but lead by the nature given graciously to us by God, led by the Holy Spirit. A NEW LIFE, an ETERNAL LIFE. If the result of sin is death, and we were put to death with Christ, and buried with Him, and also resurrected with Him, then your debt to sin has been payed and you are free from sin. So through Jesus your debt (death) to sin has been payed and you are no longer a slave to sin, a new debt is owed so give your life to Christ Jesus and be a slave to Him who you owe your life too. Your Eternal Life. Because, God so loved the world... and because of that love that He gave up His only Son, so I can have that gift of eternal life, then I give that eternal life that He gave me and use it to Do His Will.

Sunday, September 23, 2007


Today at church, Billy (our pastor) called me up in front of the congregation for somewhat of an interview. He wanted to tell the people of Whispering Pines what was going on in my life, and the door that has been opened to me for a chance at some incredible ministry. I will be organizing after school activities, bible study, get togethers for the community, events... Basically getting this multi-housing community together and introduce them to Christ. The overall goal is to eventually plant a church using their clubhouse. Anyway when he gets me up there and is talking to the congregation explaining how this all came about. God speaks to me, and tells me, "I know it's scary, and you have no idea what to expect or do, but hold my hand and we will walk through this door together." Ironically after church, Billy hands me a piece of paper with the study material for our Tuesday night bible study that I co-teach. The topic, Faith.

What is Faith? The bible describes it in Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see." God tells me "Hold my hand and we will go through this door together" "Have Faith in Me" He says, God is telling me don't let the fact that you are scared, the fact that you don't know what to expect stop you from walking through that door. See, I know that just because God has opened that door for me doesn't mean that when I walk through it, it will be all peaches and cream, blue skies and rainbows, a nice little walk in the park. This door God has opened isn't going to lead to some place where all is good in His eyes, He is putting me in a place where he needs work done. In Matthew 9:12 Jesus said " it is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick." That just tells me that when He sends us to do work He sends us to a place where evil is strong. Not only strong, but ready for battle. God is sending us into a place where evil has found a home, and into that home we go to bring God into it and "flip" it. If you have ever seen that TV program flip that house, where they buy a house renovate it and sell it, then you know what I'm talking about. That's it though, He is going to renovate that apartment complex. The coolest thing is that He plans to use me as the project supervisor.

This whole thing about faith got me thinking about the story of David and Goliath. A young boy, a servant to Saul, and the watcher of his fathers sheep, was sent to the battlegrounds of the Israelites and the Philistines to take some things to his brothers and bring back word of them to his father. When he gets there they are both lining up in the battle formations, so David runs up to the battle lines and talks to his brothers, as he is talking to them this huge giant comes up from behind the enemy lines and lays out this challenge, Israel should send out the one man to fight him and if he should win the Philistines would serve Israel. David hears this and is like, "WHAT?" Did you hear what this guy said?" He sees that no one will stand up to this challenge and all are scared. So he kind of asks around to find out whats in it for the guy who kicks this giants butt? Finally he said "I'll do it." So, Saul hears word that some one is going to do this and calls for him. He gets there and Saul says, "What are you crazy, your a little kid and this guy is a giant who has been fighting basically all his life, he'll wreck you." And this is where I have been coming to with all this, you know what he said to Saul? He said, "Dude, Saul, I've been watching my dad's sheep, and when I'm watching them and a lion comes or a bear, and takes one of those sheep I chase him down and hit him, when he drops the sheep they get away, then when the come after me I grab them by the hair and kill them. This big guy will be as easy as one of them, because he is challenging the army of God, and just like when God keeps me safe from the lion and bear, He is going to do the same here, so no worries I got this."

Now that is faith. This guy David is about to fight is over nine feet tall, and by the way the bible describes him in 1 Samuel he wasn't skinny either. David knew that God will deliver this giant to him, he knew that the only armor and weapon he needs is God.

So when God opens the door for me, I will know that evil will be on the other side, and I will face my giant knowing that in the name of Jesus Christ no one, or nothing will be able to harm me, and I will have faith in the Lord to deliver this evil to me so that I might turn on the light and introduce God to the people. I will go into battle as it says to in Ephesians 6: 13-18 "Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints." I will be ready, and God will do the work all I have to do is let him take me through the steps.

In the name of Christ Jesus our savior, may the love and peace and strength of the Lamb be with you all.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

One Body, Different, Parts

One of the things that I have noticed around here is that a lot, not all, but a lot of the churches around here don't really do things together. In fact there is quite a bit of maybe not outright and open, but almost a dislike for each other. Bashing each others styles if you will of teaching. This church doesn't like the way the other one does certain things, the members of this church left the other and are bad mouthing it because they didn't like the way the did this. Nonsense like that. I feel like people are not really getting it. I'm not sure that, actually I'm pretty convinced that, that isn't how God wants it to work.

In the last chapter of Matthew, Jesus tells us to take all that He has taught us and go make disciples of the nations. Now, my question is how do we do that if we are putting down the other churches? Especially if they are trying to do the same thing. I would think that it would work better if we would all unite and use our gifts, though different, all given to us by God for that very reason, and work together to do as we were told and make believers out of the nations. I know some would like to believe it, but the army can't win a war by itself, it take all of the armed forces together to do so. One player can't win a basketball game. Wait, I can't use that, Coby Bryant did it. Sorry, a little joke. You get what I'm saying though.

The only way we can actually get the word to the whole world is if we all come together and work as a team, as ONE BODY. We all have our gifts, we were all given them by God to do his work, so we need to accept the gifts of others and use them all together and be more successful. Just because the church down the road does things a little different, doesn't mean they are wrong. After all though they are different gifts they come from the same place, the Spirit of God. And if the Spirit of God is where the gifts come from then how can they be wrong. Lets look at 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 "There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men.
Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues.All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines." Now, I'm not only talking about the buildings when I say "church", I mean the people. I don't care whether you meet in a Church building or in a house, we are the church. So when you get together wherever you are instead of gossiping and speaking ill of another believer and their style, or gift, you should be thinking of a way to use the gifts of others and yours together to do what was told to us to do.

All I'm saying is be careful, because if there are people meeting together and giving glory to God. No matter how, if they are giving glory to Him then you haven't the right to judge them, because know that, we can't praise Him, worship Him, or even pray to Him without being led by the Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12:3 Therefore I tell you that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, "Jesus be cursed," and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit. So remember that the spirit will never do it wrong, and if the other guy is led by the Spirit then you especially as a man has no authority to say otherwise.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Making things right

Matthew : 23-26 23"Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, 24leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.
25"Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still with him on the way, or he may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison. 26I tell you the truth, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny.

There is this guy at work, who is a real pain in my neck. I mean this guy seems like his goal in life is to fight me, for some reason. The real weird part of it all, is when I started there he kind of took me under his wing and helped me in the areas I had problems with. Not to mention because of him my paper work is perfect for the most part. He is older than I am and more experienced than me, so I listened. Well for that I thank him. After just a couple of weeks working there they hired another new guy. This was great for me, because I'm no longer the new guy,(YES!!!). I hate being the new guy, but anyway that's not the point here. It seemed like he started focusing his attention towards him. That's okay with me, in fact it kind of felt good, you know being released. Now I wasn't being looked over and I started to feel like one of the crew. Well, it seemed like at just about the same time he kind of started in on me. I was like, wait a minute. First this guy comes and really puts a lot of time and effort into me and now he is taking cheap shots.

One of the things God has been doing in my life is working on my temper and willingness to fight, both physically and verbally. I am very good at improvisation of insults, funny I used to think that was a gift, not any more. Now I feel like its a weight on my feet. So, one of the great things about God is that he is stronger than any weight that can try to hold me back. So, instead of trying to walk with these "weights" I'm just going to jump on his back and let him give me a piggy back ride, that way I know He is taking me through every step with no effort at all.

So, anyway as I was saying before I got a little side tracked, sometimes the holy spirit just takes over and goes off on a tangent. It's a lot of fun when that happens. I have been able to deal with this guys ignorance for a long time now, for me anyway. I know that,that was but for the grace God I was able to take it for so long. Then finally the devil started to whisper in my ear and egg me on to use that "gift" to retaliate. Now, before I get too far ahead, this guy has had a pretty rough year. He was arrested, now on probation, lost his house, has to go to anger management classes that he has to pay for. Now, this is the kicker, all of these things are happening to him because of the lies of his ex-wife who left him for another girl. It gets much deeper but I don't know all of it, and if I did I don't think its my place to say. So this guy has a lot on his mind all of the time, and the only way for him to deal with it and not go crazy in his thoughts I guess is to do the things he does to keep him mind off of everything else.

The other day Rebecca(my wife) comes to work to go to lunch with me. He calls me over when she goes into the showroom to wait for me, and he makes some ignorant remark about the size of her breasts. That was it, that was the line that I couldn't deal with. I didn't say anything then, and I walked away. Yesterday was the first day I saw him after his day off. Didn't say anything then either. Today I was still quiet, but that is three days that it has been boiling inside of me. I don't know how, he said something today that made me explode inside, and still I said nothing to him. Later God gave me the power to talk it over with him and explain why I was obviously mad at him. He took it, and apologized to me, and I don't think now we will have any problems like that anymore. See, now he knows my boundaries, and I don't think he really wants to hurt anyone. So, like I said God is stronger than any weight.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Living Word

Hebrews 4:12For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

For the word of God is living and active. Wow, the word of God. So that means that the words that God speaks to us, and uses to teach us about him, are living and active? So does that mean that the bible is not just a book, but a living, active, ever going lesson? Well, I believe so. In reading the bible, have you ever noticed that if you go back and study the same thing you have once studied in the past, you get something totally different than what you originally got out of it? I know that for me that is an almost daily occurrence.

In prayer we talk to God. I think that any time we talk to God we are praying, doesn't necessarily mean we are always bowing our heads and on our knees, but talking to him during the day like you would be talking to a friend is also a form of prayer. Now the question is, isn't conversation two ways? So does He talk back? I say yes. In a lot of different ways, God reveals himself in so many different ways, through your thoughts he speaks to you, maybe a dream, or vision. How about actually talking to you perhaps a voice from the heavens. I think that there is one way that he speaks to me the most, and that is through the bible itself.

Gods word is living and active, that means that as your reading the message is ever changing. The actual words don't change in the book itself but the meaning of the words in your heart change pertaining to what your going through at that particular season. See, as long at we are studying, he is teaching, as long as we are looking he is showing, so all we need to do in order to learn what he wants us to know directly from him then all we have to do is let him show us. See God wants us to know him, he wants us to learn from the word he has so graciously given unto us and all you have to do to see this Living and Active word of our heavenly father is: "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:7


September 3, 2007 - Monday
Life Current mood: happy Category: Life
You know, I have a lot of different things going on in my life, and I just so happen to know of a few people in my life who are going through some rough times. I guess the reason I'm posting this blog is because God has led me to do so, and whom ever reads this I hope that you get something out of it. About two months ago I lost my job, and didn't work for those two months, I had rent and a lot of bills that I unfairly put in my wife's responsibility knowing that it is mine. That in itself killed me inside, stress was up and moral was down. My wife and I were at each others throat every day, I was stuck home with the kids all day because we could no longer afford child care. So there I was being a complete jerk to my kids, my wife , my friends, and blaming everyone I could, sure I was looking for work, but the question is how hard? Any way here I am in my mom's house with my wife and two girls, living back with mommy. I no longer have my truck that I've pretty much waited all my life to get. The funny thing is stress is down and moral is up. Why? Good question I'll tell you why. Well in those two months the greatest thing that could have happened, did. My relationship with God grew at a rapid pace and am happy to say still is growing. Stress: why is it low? No, not because I'm back at home and bills are low and I have a job now, but because it is written to place my burdens on God because his burden is light and he can take mine for me. Its that easy? All I have to do is trust in God and everything will be ok? Easy, well yes, and no. That's all it takes and its very hard to do, but man is it worth it, No stress, why because God promised me that He will take care of me, and if the one that created all things says He is going to take care of me, well guess what. I believe Him. So lets look back, the house I was living in is gone. Yeah, so, that wasn't mine, God let me take care of it for a while and use it for what He had planned, I took an exchange student in for a month and got to host a weakly bible study for a month, now that's what he wanted me to do, I did it and now He has another plan for me. The truck, it wasn't mine, He just let me take care of it for a while, I helped people move stuff, I helped my brother rip out some trees,(that was fun), I pulled the trailer for the church and now we don't need it anymore and I don't have the truck anymore, go figure. It's all figured out, do I know whats going to happen? No, but He does and I trust Him so I really don't need to worry, because it'll all work out, because I can't do anything right, but he can't do anything wrong an He is in charge not me. So I'll just let him take over and I'll follow his lead, because its all for his glory anyway not mine. It says in the Bible "don't worry about tomorrow because tomorrow has enough problems of its own". So lets not worry about tomorrow, let Him take care of it, because all we will do is screw it all up. The only advice I have for anyone is this, Get in the word, build that relationship with God, and as is says in Philippians 2:5 "your attitude should be like that of Christ Jesus." Love everyone, humble yourself,serve,be connected to God always, and just let the spirit guide you because in the flesh all the decisions we make are self centered and for our glory, and if you are always connected to God then you can always ask him for the right decisions. So, I'll leave you with this, "I am the way and the truth and the light..." Trust in Him and He will take care of all things.
Live, Love , and laugh a whole bunch.

does it really matter

September 4, 2007 - Tuesday
does it really matter
Today I was thinking about, just some random things. One of the things that crossed my mind was, about three or so years ago I was determined to find something that I could do to make a name for myself. So that when I die my children could be proud and tell there children about me and so on and so forth. I wasn't sure what it would be, but it was going to be something big, whether it be trying to talk about political crap or something that would give me recognition in the media and perhaps make a big deal about it or something like that. I just didn't want to be forgotten.
Now here I am thinking about how I could actually think like that, because the question rises, Does it really matter? Look at the history books and not so much at the people who founded our country and government(though the way things look, did that even matter?) But at some of the meaningless garbage that gets remembered. I have come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter. Because anything that I do isn't going to change the fact that I will eventually be forgotten, but there is something that I will and believe we are all supposed to do, and that is to make a name not for ourselves, but to introduce and let people understand who God is. Because to be completely honest nothing that we say, or do,or get really means much other than the things we do to glorify Him. Bottom line is we are all going to die, but the real question is do we really want to trade eternal life for having things and having a name for ourselves in this world. I don't know about you, but not me.
I've decided that none of those things matter, I can't take my brand new big super cool truck with me when I die, nor can I take a million dollars, so is it worth trading your soul for that stuff. No, if God decides that he wants you to have these things than cool, accept them with open arms, but understand that fact that He gave them to you and He can take them away. So take care of them and use them to serve others and God.
Another thing that I thought about was knowledge and wisdom. What is true knowledge and wisdom? Lets take all these scientists with multiple PHD's in some flung dung. These people are the great minds of our time and spend countless hours studying theories and conducting experiments and finding the "fact". Now lets look at the complete other side of the spectrum. ME!!! I didn't finish high school, if you can't tell yet I really have a hard time spelling, and I'm not really sure how to even conduct an experiment. Between me and them, who has true knowledge and wisdom? Your first answer would probably be them, EHHH, WRONG!!!! It's amazing to me how foolish these people are, how confused they are trying to find the answer to this whole life and existence thing, and little old me knows the answer. It's written in 1 Corinthians, 20Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 21For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. 22Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, 23but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, 24but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 25For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength.
So the way I see it is that it's hard for the smart people to accept the truth about Christ, because there is no "proof", but I assure you that one day all will know the truth, and on that day, believers, non believers, and all those who believe but refuse Christ will bow down and worship.


September 6, 2007 - Thursday
Thoughts of the day Current mood: content
Well, yesterday I didn't get a chance to post a blog, so here I am and this might be a long one, I have two days to cover. There are two things that God has shown me in the past two days. One has to do with serving, and the other has to do with the work of Christianity.
Last night when I got home from work I had every intention of going to one of the other ministers of Whispering Pines Community Church's house and walking the neighborhood and handing out fliers for our launch this Sunday. When it was about time for me to go I read an e mail from my pastor to call him when I could. At our picnic there was a lady whom a couple of our ministers met, that called asking for help moving. Billy(our pastor) asked if I would be interested to help. Eager to serve I of course said yes. Well this is where I learned my lesson. To make a long story short the woman who needed the help moving, actually needed a lot more than just help moving. She needed a ride to get the truck and this and that. Not to mention every place we had to go was on the opposite side of town for each other.
When we finally got to start loading up the truck, we realized that this woman didn't own anything light. When I say this, this isn't an exaggeration. NOTHING. We got a little hurt, tired, and frustrated with the lack of organization this situation had. By the time we finished, two trips later, did I mention they were on the opposite sides of town? And it was midnight. Anyway I did some thinking, and Billy, myself, and one of the other ministers(Prabu) did some talking. I realized that we were serving.
Man, that is incredible. My dad said it best when he said, "Sometimes being a Christian is like scrubbing the bathroom floor, no one likes to do it until God tells you to." You know he's right. Your not always going to like what God asks you to do, but as long as your doing it for God your going to love it. See, if your doing something you don't like to do, and are miserable doing it, that is a fleshly emotion, but if your doing it the spirit and serving others in the name of Christ, then your loving every minute of it. You know its not so much about studying, and reading the word, and trying to fit serving into that schedule. It's about serving and fitting studying and reading into your serving schedule.
When it comes down to doing the work of Christ, God will let you know when he wants you to work. Not only that, but he will put you in the exact place he wants you to do it, whether or not you know that's what he is doing.
Today, I was on my way to work when my car broke down. Man was I upset, I was making great time, not in a hurry, even going to be 15 min. early, at least. POW! then the car starts to die. I pulled of the main drag there onto a little side street, and came to a dead stop on the side of the road, no cell phone no lighter for smoke signals, nothing. First thought is that I ran out of gas, because the light had been on since yesterday. So, I asked a near by construction worker to borrow his cell to call for help. My brother brought me some gas and had to get going, he was going to be late for a prior commitment. So, the gas thing, NOPE, not the problem. I tried for so long I ran out the battery.
I said " God, I know you put me here for a reason, so could you let me know why, I'm stressing down here." I start reading my book that I'm reading to keep my mind off of the whole situation. I had noticed earlier a woman putting some mail in her mail box to be sent out. I finally made my way to ask if she had some jumper cables. Her husband did. After about 30 to 45 min. of trying to get the car started, he let me use his phone and help was on the way. As he was walking back to his car God said to me "Mauricio, go talk to him." I tried to fight it, but I have a hard time saying no to my mom much less God. I asked him if he went to church, he said he was a Christian, but kind of did his own thing at home. Well, I gave him a flier and told him about our church, and he was a little exited and interested.
So to sum up what happened there, God put me there for a reason. That reason was to talk to that guy and invite him to church, and who knows, if he or his wife don't have a relationship with God, perhaps I have planted that seed so that God can make it grow. I think the moral of the story is, we are supposed to be Christians all the time, not just on Sundays. What Jesus said to do is to make disciples of the nations. So, we need to stay constantly connected to God, so that we can hear Him when He says " go talk to him." B) I'd rather scrub the bathroom floor than move furniture....
May the peace of our Savior Jesus Christ be with you all,

doing his work cont.

September 7, 2007 - Friday
doing His work cont.
Here in Port St. Lucie, as a lot of you probably know, there is this guy who stands on the corner of U.S. 1 and Jennings road with a megaphone, a big cross, and a Bible. What he does for about, huh, I don't know a few hours every day is preach to all the stopped traffic at that busy intersection. A lot of people pass by jokingly honking at him, and a lot of people make fun of him behind his back. "Oh, that guy is crazy." "What a weirdo." "What a loser."
Well, that weirdo's name is Smokey, and today I met him. I've seen him out there, wow, for as long as I can remember here in PSL. I've always admired the dedication it takes to do something like that. So today I decided after work I would go over to his corner, and I would give him an invitation to our churches launch service on Sunday. As I drive up to the corner I almost hit him walking across the street to the Deny's right there. So I quickly whip into the parking lot at Deny's and go in. There he is sitting at the bar drinking a cup of coffee. I walked right up to him and shook his hand introducing myself, I said "Can I join you?" "Please do" he replied. So I sat. I said "well, I've seen you there for years and have always wondered, what's your story, if you don't mind me asking.", "It's a long one" he said laughing. I replied " I've Got the time and a cup of coffee, so if you don't mind I'm here to listen.".
As he is sitting there telling his story, I'm sipping my cup of coffee and I can't help but notice his eyes. Looking at his eyes while he talked and drank his coffee, you could see around his weathered face and slightly squinted eyes, he looked like he had been through a lot, but looking through the weathered face surrounding his eyes actually into his eyes, there was great peace. As I sit there just absorbing what he said like a three year old in front of the wiggles on tv, looking at his face and the raspy sound of his voice I felt a great sense of comfort. It felt like I was sitting there having a cup of coffee with one of the apostles. He spoke of Jesus like he was a close personal friend of His.
Then I realized, he is. We all are close personal friends to Jesus. That's what it is all about. Building your relationship with Christ and getting to know him. So that you can be close personal friends with him, and in doing so letting him know you. It is written in Romans chapter 8:16,17; 16The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. 17Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.
We are co-heirs to God's glory... Wow! We are God's children, and Jesus is the son of God. I get to walk side by side with Christ Jesus, the one who has been given all authority, in heaven, on earth, and under the earth. If that's not but for the grace of God then I don't know what is. If that's the case then how can we justify getting angry about the things we don't have, or the things we lose here on earth? Considering we are co-heirs to the glory to God. What we have been given is far greater than anything we could ever imagine wanting or having in this life time. We are co-heirs with Christ Jesus, of the glory of God the Father, creator of all things, All mighty,AWESOME, WONDERFUL,BEAUTIFUL,ALL POWERFUL, in who's likeness we were created. How can anything, any car, any boat, any house.... ANYTHING, be better than that. Man, it can't. So in everything we do may the glory be given to God the Father of all things in the name of the Holy Son Christ Jesus, Amen.
Notice I didn't tell his story. If your interested in hearing it I challenge you to buy him a cup of coffee, and a glass of ice water.
May the peace of Christ Jesus be with you,

His Work

September 8, 2007 - Saturday
His work
I was just thinking, we all have jobs. I work at Goodyear, my brother Oscar is a manager at Beals, Cisco my little brother teaches drum lines, Mom, she works at Wallmart as a manager. My dad is a preacher, cement truck dispatcher, and a pizza delivery guy. The point is, is that we all work because we need to make money to survive. Bills need to be paid, we gotta eat, cars need to keep running. All these expenses of life.
You know there is other things that we need to also be focusing on, other than just these worldly expenses. Like for instance, the work Jesus told us to do. "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." this is found in the last couple of verses in the book of Matthew. Jesus wants us to read the word, build a relationship to make our attitudes like his, learn from Him, and then go out and take all the things He taught us and make more disciples. Of all the nations in fact.
So what is it that we should do, how am I going to go and make disciples of the nations? Well, lets see, how about we start by building relationships with people. What that is going to do is, give us a line of communication with people so that while we are communicating with them and getting to know them, and also letting them know us, we can slowly and carefully plant the seed so God can make it grow. Planting the seed is very important, because even if it doesn't happen over night, or if your not the one to water it, chances are the idea of Christ will be in there head and they will see the things God can get you through. Every one falls on hard time, its just that we have the grace of God the Father to get us through, people will see that and want that or need that. Then they will find someone whether it be you or not , whomever God leads them to, to water that seed you planted so that God can make it grow.
Which brings me to my next point. "In everything set them an example by doing what is good." This is found in the second chapter of Titus verse 7. We are to not only talk, explain, teach by words, but use our example. If you look that is exactly what Jesus did for us. Yes, he taught by words and speaking, but in doing so He was setting an example, intern teaching us not only with His teaching, but by His teaching. " I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you." John 13:15.
So, I leave you with this thought, get in the word, read the word, live the word, and set the example to others like the Word did for all of us. And remember He is with us always in spirit until that wonderful day when we get to fall at His feet.
May the grace of God the Father in the name of Christ Jesus be with you all, amen.


September 9, 2007 - Sunday
Today was our re-launch service at the high school. All I can say is WOW!!!! God was there and there were a lot of new faces and all of the same old faces. The service was great, and Billy preached a great message.
He talked about Job, and how no matter what was happening to him he never cursed God, but instead worshiped. The man lost everything, his livestock, his kids, his health, and still he tore off his robe and fell to his face in worship. Man, to have a faith and love for God so big that no matter what happens, in all things give glory to God, that's what its all about.
Things are going to happen, doors will close, curves will be thrown, and people will try to convince you that God has turned his back on you. The devil himself will sit on your shoulder using your own thoughts and trying to convince you that God has forsaken you.
Well I promise you that He hasn't, all you have to do is believe in him, trust that God will get you through what ever struggle you are going through. God knows what he is doing, I mean, take a look around at how perfect the world around us really is. He made all this, He made you and me, so how can there every be a mistake made on what we are put through. Some times in order to make a wall stronger, you just need to break it down and rebuild it. As for me I say, break me down, because I know that when He rebuilds me I know that I will come out stronger, and eventually He will have strengthened me to the point to where I'm ready to go out and do the work He has planned for me, and I know that the day he calls me to do work for Him, wherever it is , whenever it is I'll be ready, because I know that He is breaking me down to rebuild me and my family for something big in His eyes. And that's all that matters, is what He wants done.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that no matter what you think you are going through, no matter who is telling you that your on your own remember, that in Matthew 28 Jesus tells us, in verse 20 "And surely I am with you always until the very end of the age.". We are not alone, and not only are we not alone as alone as we may feel sometimes, but we are loved and God asked us to cast our worries onto him because his worries are little. So, what do I say, I say God is strong enough to carry the worries of all creation on his shoulders with out breaking a sweat, and I can't carry my own. So I'll give them to Him and let Him do with me as He will. I hope you will to.
May the peace of Christ Jesus be with you,


I have always been religious. I was raised in the church, and have always had christian values in my heart. I was baptized at a pretty young, but not unusually young age. I did understand what I was doing, and did accept Jesus as the son of God and Savior. It was very difficult as an adolescent to go to church when my mom didn't take me. It was very easy during the summer to live with my christian values, because my dad took me to church.
So, as I got older, high school age and even a bit beyond, my relationship with God really didn't mature much, because I didn't continue to study, or learn for that matter. So I drifted, I drifted away from those christian values and started to live with my worldly outlook on things. See, I never denied God, and looking back now he was always there talking to me, and convicting me of the wrong I was doing even as I was doing it. That wasn't enough for me, or maybe it was that my relationship with Him wasn't mature enough to recognize it was actually Him that was convicting.
I think the biggest problem was the fact that in high school and middle school it just wasn't cool to be a christian. That's all I cared about was being cool and accepted by my piers. In fact I was making fun of the kids that were, well, christian. I remember doing that and feeling like garbage for doing it, but that didn't matter to me, all that mattered was that my friends thought I was cool. Man, that's just no good you know?
There is good news though, and that good news is that things have changed. I love all my friends, especially the ones who are still around, and do what they can to stay in touch even when they are on the other side of the country, or for that matter the World. One of the biggest problems I have had recently is the idea that those friends wouldn't accept me anymore because of my faith and the lack of faith they have.
Well, here it is. I am still Mauricio, and will always be Mauricio, and I'm not going to go around hitting them over the head with bibles. So don't worry about that. I will however be more than happy to answer the why questions and challenge them to ask. Understand that I have work to do while I'm here, and my work comes from more than just a boss, but that work comes from the Creator of all things. So will I join you at the strip club? No. Will I join you at the bar to shoot pool and drink some beer? Yes, but I probably will be the one driving home, because anymore beer gives me acid reflex, and it is written that I shouldn't be given to drunkenness.
On the other hand, if they choose not to accept me, because of my faith in Jesus and the fact that I refuse to tell God no to the job that he has put in front of me. Then I will also rejoice, because if you are going to torment me and shun me out of your group because of my faith in Jesus, then I will with great joy take that in His name.
I will with great joy and honor take abuse and anything that anyone can throw at me in the name of Jesus Christ, because as he did this for me and died on the cross I will. See please don't think that this is for attention, or for my glory. Please don't think that I come on this thing daily and post blogs so that people would read them and think, "OH, man Mauricio is really religious." Or to show some kind of wisdom, or to get credit from my brothers in Christ. I do this because He told me too. I don't know why, but for someone to get something out of it, and that someone might even be me, who knows. In Philippians 2, it says that your attitude should be like that of Christ Jesus. So, I'm going to build that relationship with Him so that I can know him in order to make my attitude like His. As this passage continues on in Philippians 2:7-11 it explains, "who being in the very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing taking the very nature of a servant being made in human likeness, and being found in appearance as a man , he humbled himself and became obedient to death, even death on a cross. God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
So though Jesus is in the very nature, God. He didn't think that he could even attempt to be equal with Got because it was unattainable. So, God on earth humbled himself to God the Father. Not only as the Son of God, but as a servant, saying that all these things that I do, I do for the glory of God, not for me. So, with that being said, if Jesus the son of God, humbled himself so much that he accepted, even though death had no authority over him he allowed Himself to be put to death so that we may be saved, and not have to, I can surely, because I owe Him my life, live it for Him. With or without the approval of my friends, and to be completely honest my family.
So that I hope that both parties will accept the fact that I am Christian, and plan to do whatever it is He asks me to do, and know that I am always praying for them. Also I pray that although I will never push, and force my beliefs on any of them I am always willing and wanting to introduce them to Jesus Christ. Wherever He takes me, and wherever I end up, whether it be with, or without money, or the earthly idea of success, as long as I am doing His work and making disciples of the nations, if I'm living in a car or in a mansion I am never a failure. Because all those things don't matter, the only thing that matters is that all the glory be given to God the father for ever and ever, amen.
I love you all and my the peace of Christ Jesus be with you all,

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

constantly connected

"Be joyful always; PRAY CONTINUALLY; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16,17,18.
This verse really has taught me a lot in the past week. All of these things really go together, and its so cool how. The cool thing about this verse is, they all come together at the same time if your living in Christ.
"Be joyful always." Lets see, how is it possible to always be joyful? If you think about it, in this world it really isn't. The fact that all of our lives are busy, work, study, traffic. It seems like everyone has an agenda. I have to be here at this time, there at that time, and it always seems like when your in a hurry everyone on the road forgets where the gas peddle is. That can be very upsetting. Now, if your upset at this present situation how are you joyful? Well, your not. So take this situation, where you have to be somewhere and here you are stuck in traffic, and understand that God stuck you there for a reason and you should be happy that He put you there so that you can do something for Him, and if you realize that, then that's where the joy comes from, because you get the opportunity do actually do something for the creator of all things.
Now, how do we know what He is telling us to do at this particular moment? That's easy, pray continuously. If you are always in prayer(ALWAYS) then you are always connected to God. And if you are always connected to God then you always know what He is telling you to do. See, if you always know what he is telling you to do, then you are always joyful, because you are always ready to serve. So being connected to God gives us the opportunity to not have to rely on our flesh to help make any decisions, and we then know that we are always doing the will of God. I don't know about you, but I personally will ALWAYS be full of joy when I am, and know I am doing His will.
So, if I am joyful always, and praying continuously, then there isn't a situation that I will ever find myself in that I won't give thanks to. Because, I know that God has put me in this position for a reason. Again how do I know that? Because I am constantly connected. So, I will give thanks through anything because I know that He is putting me somewhere where I am able to serve Him, and If God chooses me at that point in time to do a "job" for Him so that He may be glorified then I will have no choice to but to thank Him for that honor.
So what do I say? I say "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Philippians 4:4. Rejoice for your blessings, and rejoice for your sorrows, and rejoice because God is always working through you, as long as you let Him.
With the love of our savior Christ Jesus, Good night.