Thursday, September 13, 2007


September 6, 2007 - Thursday
Thoughts of the day Current mood: content
Well, yesterday I didn't get a chance to post a blog, so here I am and this might be a long one, I have two days to cover. There are two things that God has shown me in the past two days. One has to do with serving, and the other has to do with the work of Christianity.
Last night when I got home from work I had every intention of going to one of the other ministers of Whispering Pines Community Church's house and walking the neighborhood and handing out fliers for our launch this Sunday. When it was about time for me to go I read an e mail from my pastor to call him when I could. At our picnic there was a lady whom a couple of our ministers met, that called asking for help moving. Billy(our pastor) asked if I would be interested to help. Eager to serve I of course said yes. Well this is where I learned my lesson. To make a long story short the woman who needed the help moving, actually needed a lot more than just help moving. She needed a ride to get the truck and this and that. Not to mention every place we had to go was on the opposite side of town for each other.
When we finally got to start loading up the truck, we realized that this woman didn't own anything light. When I say this, this isn't an exaggeration. NOTHING. We got a little hurt, tired, and frustrated with the lack of organization this situation had. By the time we finished, two trips later, did I mention they were on the opposite sides of town? And it was midnight. Anyway I did some thinking, and Billy, myself, and one of the other ministers(Prabu) did some talking. I realized that we were serving.
Man, that is incredible. My dad said it best when he said, "Sometimes being a Christian is like scrubbing the bathroom floor, no one likes to do it until God tells you to." You know he's right. Your not always going to like what God asks you to do, but as long as your doing it for God your going to love it. See, if your doing something you don't like to do, and are miserable doing it, that is a fleshly emotion, but if your doing it the spirit and serving others in the name of Christ, then your loving every minute of it. You know its not so much about studying, and reading the word, and trying to fit serving into that schedule. It's about serving and fitting studying and reading into your serving schedule.
When it comes down to doing the work of Christ, God will let you know when he wants you to work. Not only that, but he will put you in the exact place he wants you to do it, whether or not you know that's what he is doing.
Today, I was on my way to work when my car broke down. Man was I upset, I was making great time, not in a hurry, even going to be 15 min. early, at least. POW! then the car starts to die. I pulled of the main drag there onto a little side street, and came to a dead stop on the side of the road, no cell phone no lighter for smoke signals, nothing. First thought is that I ran out of gas, because the light had been on since yesterday. So, I asked a near by construction worker to borrow his cell to call for help. My brother brought me some gas and had to get going, he was going to be late for a prior commitment. So, the gas thing, NOPE, not the problem. I tried for so long I ran out the battery.
I said " God, I know you put me here for a reason, so could you let me know why, I'm stressing down here." I start reading my book that I'm reading to keep my mind off of the whole situation. I had noticed earlier a woman putting some mail in her mail box to be sent out. I finally made my way to ask if she had some jumper cables. Her husband did. After about 30 to 45 min. of trying to get the car started, he let me use his phone and help was on the way. As he was walking back to his car God said to me "Mauricio, go talk to him." I tried to fight it, but I have a hard time saying no to my mom much less God. I asked him if he went to church, he said he was a Christian, but kind of did his own thing at home. Well, I gave him a flier and told him about our church, and he was a little exited and interested.
So to sum up what happened there, God put me there for a reason. That reason was to talk to that guy and invite him to church, and who knows, if he or his wife don't have a relationship with God, perhaps I have planted that seed so that God can make it grow. I think the moral of the story is, we are supposed to be Christians all the time, not just on Sundays. What Jesus said to do is to make disciples of the nations. So, we need to stay constantly connected to God, so that we can hear Him when He says " go talk to him." B) I'd rather scrub the bathroom floor than move furniture....
May the peace of our Savior Jesus Christ be with you all,

1 comment:

dennie said...

I wish I could say that my daily prayer is "Use me up in your service, Lord." But "self" often gets in the way. How wonderful it feels, though, when at the end of the day you can crawl into bed and sigh and thank God for the honor of spending the day in service to Him! Love to you and your precious family! -dennie