Monday, May 11, 2009

Staff Support

Today in Sunday School we talked about Hur. For those who don't know who Hur is, this isn't just a misspelling of "her" this is an actual person in the Bible. In Exodus 17:8-16 you'll find the story. The Amalekites attacked the Israelites, and Moses told Joshua to get some men together and go and fight them. He said that he would go to the top of a hill with the Staff of God in his hands and Joshua and his army would defeat the Amalekites. So that day Moses, Aaron and Hur went up to the hill. As the Israelites fought the Amalekite, Moses held the Staff up in the air, and as long as he was doing so Joshua and his army would be winning, but if it came down they would start to lose. So Moses had to keep this Staff up in the air. Needless to say he got tired and was unable to keep it up, so Aaron and Hur got a stone for him to sit on, and they each grabbed an arm and held it up till sunset.This is so cool, you see here what an important role Hur played in this key event. I think we discovered that Hur is only mentioned one more time in the Bible. Aaron we know is mentioned more, and he plays some big roles in the Story. Hur on the other hand did to. This goes back to a great sermon series I heard called HIStory. This was a teaching about the roles we play in the story of God. This whole life and history is a story God is writing and He wants to cast us. What role will you play? I look at Hur here and see that there is absolutely no role too small, and no role in this big story of life that can't have a big impact on the kingdom of God. We all have a part to play, some are big mega evangelists and others are pastors of mega churches. Some are Sunday School teachers, or small group pastors. Still some are missionaries that go to far off lands and spread the Word. Others stay here and head up organizations to fund and supply these missionaries. Still again others set up chairs, and run I.T. equipment for corporate worship service. Some clean the bathrooms, drag trailers, and take out the trash. There are people who hand out bulletins, and sharpen pencils. All of these people from the greatest to the smallest have a role in the big picture of the will of God. All are important, and none should be overlooked.I can remember when Whispering Pines Community Church(now known as Anytime Church) in Port St. Lucie, FL launched in an Elementary School cafetorium. People were all over the place, setting up, and greeting people. Some brought the coffee, and doughnuts, others set up the chairs, others set up the sound equipment, KidZone, and nursery. Hospitality table was always manned and the result was worship service. At the end people stayed behind to tear down and make sure that it was left the way we found it. I remember there even being someone who every week took charge of making sure that the trailer got packed up in an orderly fashion. If you have ever stood in the back of a trailer that has been closed outside in a Florida summer for a couple of hours, you would get it.The point is that some people lose the passion, and the interest in doing these things because they feel insignificant. I know this isn't so for a fact, because I have seen at that same church the level of help go from everyone to a need for people to commit. Every person in that community that pitched in from the biggest job to the smallest, from preaching to music, to set up, to setting out the coffee straws, made a big impact in the bigger picture that God was painting. Outreach was possible, the gospel was taught, and worship was something that was never missing. So, we need not lose the passion, we need to see that just as Hur was mere "staff support" he was a key player in the winning of the battle. So I say grab an arm, take hold of the HUGE job God has for you, pitch in and allow gospel to reach the ears and hearts God has prepared. Just as important as preaching and music is for reaching the lost, so are the people who are big enough to do the small jobs.

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