Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What to do

At work I have had something bothering me for a while. Recently certain things took place where I had the oppertunity to bring these things to the attension of the people who needed to know. In doing so the result was peoples lives would change drasticly. It did change these peoples lives. What I did was the right thing, and I know it. God without a doubt kicked me in the butt and made me say what I was fighting to say. Now I know that what I did was the right thing, but now I feel like I'm getting punished for it.

I don't get it. I am now working more hours in the week. Don't get me wrong, the overtime is good to have, but now I'm spending more time at work and less time at home, or in ministry. I know a lot of that ministry part is my fault. I need to be doing ministry at work just as much as anywhere else. I've beed given this great honor of being the men's ministry leader at my church and don't get to do much with is, because I work every other Sunday. I feel like I don't know anyone at church, and as the men's leader I should be building relationships with people in the church. I don't know what to do. I feal like I want to leave my job, but I know I can't. It is also taking a toll on my personal relationship with Jesus. My studies have almost completely stopped. I know this is my fault and no one elses, but I'm so tired at the end of the day. All I ask is that if there is anyone out there who accually reads this. Please pray for me. I really need it. May God help me.

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