Monday, December 22, 2008

A Gift

It is the week before Christmas and all through the town, car horns are honking because traffic slowed down.
People are yelling and flipping the bird, because lines in the stores are so long it's absurd.
Morale is down and stress levels are high, people are searching and searching for the right present to buy.
A race to the register, or the last one on the shelf, any thing they can do to make it better for themself.
There is anger, even violence in the line at the stores, people walk out and don't hold open the doors.
This season we're in of love, peace, and joy, has become more about TVs, jewelry, and toys.
On this day I'll celebrate out loud with a horn, my trumpet will sound on the day Christ was born.
The gift of salvation which he freely gave, He freed me from sin of which I was a slave.
Twas a gift on that night the Lord born as a babe, He came not to condemn the world, but to save
With Him came peace, and joy, and Love, a gift not from a store, but from Heaven above.
The gift of salvation came in this little boy, a gift not comparable to any expensive toy.
Tis a gift to us given from God on that day, A gift given at a price we could never repay.
So I vow to my God, Savior, and king, to him be the glory of everything
And I'll always take the time on this night to remember, The birth of our Lord Jesus Christ our Redeemer.

Mauricio Hance

Saturday, November 15, 2008


I was feeling down the other day. The problems of daily life were really hitting me hard. I have put in an application to go to seminary in New Orleans, but I don't have the money to pay for school. I don't know where to find it, or how I'm even going to afford to move there if I do get accepted. On top of that I was having a proble paying my rent, food, not even gas. I had a horrible day at work and am tired of going there everyday and working hard for little. My wife had a rough day with the kids and the kids were complaining more than normal it seemed. I was really just ready to pack it in. My wife sent me to the store for something and to be honest I was ready to get out. As I'm driving home from the store a song on the radio comes on, and these are the lyrics...

Been a hard one
Been a bad one
Been a tough one
Been a sad one
It's just been one of those days
That keeps chipping away at my heart
Nothin' new here
It's what I do here
It's a stereotypical day in the life
I'm surrounded by all of the pain and the strife
But I know it's alright

'Cause it's only the world I'm living in
It's only today I've been given
There ain't no way I'm giving in
'Cause it's only the world
I know the best is still yet to come
Cause even when my days in the world are done
There's gonna be so much more than only the world for me

This really hit my heart. How incredible is this truth? This is only the world! Why should I let this world that I'm not even part of get me down. How can I allow myself as a new person in Jesus Christ allow this fallen world to cloud my joy. I face everyday battles as I'm sure do you, but I have something to keep hold of. I have the Holy Spirit of the living God living inside of me, and He want's so for me to allow Him to take over and worry about this crap for me. All I have to do is sit back and let Him do it. Money, time, work, and problems are only the world. I can expect the world around me to be stressed in this time of unstable economy. I can understand when a rough day at work makes these people of this world to be angry and agrivated. I'm not surprised when I see people blowing of steem by yelling and screaming at their wives and childred. Why? Well because these people are of this world. They not only live here, but are subject to the happenings of this world. I on the other hand, and you as well if you are a follower of Jesus Christ are in this world yes, however are now part of a new creation, a new Kingdom that is led by Christ. This is just temperary, this place is not my home and how I long for my home. This fallen world is going to forever try to bring me down. I can not allow it to, or shall I say if I try to face it on my own I will allow it to. So what is the answer? How do we face off against the difficulties we face as strangers in this world? By allowing the gift that God has given us to guide our steps as we make this walk. This walk of faith that allows us to let go and let God. God is so much stronger than the powers of this world, and has given us oppertunity to tap into that power, by submiting all to Him. He will provide, He will guid, and He will protect us from the worries of this world. So what do I say about the crap of this world? I say bring it on, I have no fear, for the Lord my God will bring me through victorious, and allow me to walk through this short life focused on the work He has given me, and that is the furtherance of His kingdom.

So when the problems of this world come at you, as they will daily, remember "It's only the world", and that you are no longer part of it.

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Church

What is the problem? Is there a problem? Some would answer,No! There is no problem with the Church. Leave well enough alone. Some would say that the problem with the Church, is that there are people out there saying there is a problem. People would say that I"m the problem with the Church. I'm the kind of guy who goes around disrupting the order of what is going on. I'm stirring up issues, that if I would just get on board and shut up wouldn't be issues. Is that true? Am I just making something out of nothing? Is what we see in our country now what the Church is supposed to look like? You know, what are we trying to accomplish as a Church? I'm not sure that this question gets asked enough. I'm doing a study on a book called "The Barbarian Way" by Erwin Raphael McManus. In this book there is a part that says "... Jesus began His public ministry with a simple invitation: "Come, follow Me." His closing instructions to His disciples can be summarized in one word, "Go!" A quick survey of the modern church would lead you to believe His invitation was " Come, and listen." and His closing mandate would be summarized in the word "No!" Is this true?

What if it is? If this is true what would the Church look like? I think that it would look like a bunch of individual groups of people. It would look like a building with one name on it, was in competition with a building with another name on it. It would look like building "A" would be competing to get more people in it than building "B". It would look like building "B" is trying to recruit people from Building "A", because these people have gifts, or skills that they don't have. It would look like people measuring their success by how many people are there every time they meet. It might look like people in the Church are only identified as Church people, because they go to one of these buildings once a week, dressed up in a "uniform" in a sense. It might even look like certain people aren't aloud in one building or another because they don't dress up to social standards. If this were true about the Church it would look more like a social club rather than a place of worship. Now the question is, what does the church look like here today?

Does the Church look like a group of people working together to achieve a common goal? Does the Church look like the different branches of the military working together, using their different areas of expertise to defeat the common enemy? Does the Church look like a building? Or does it look like a Kingdom? When people ask you "What Church do you go to?" Is your answer: "This Church, on this street, in this city."?

If it is, what are you learning from "This Church...."? See when I read the Bible, God tells me that I am the Church, that You are the Church. He tells me that we are all one Body, yes different parts of that Body, but one Body just the same. He tells me that no part of the Body other that the Head is more important than any other part. I know that each part of my body is for different things, and serve different purposes. I also know that when I want to run, or jump, or walk, or even stretch. All the parts of my body need to work together to achieve that Goal. In the same way so does the Church. We do have a job. We have an objective, given to us by our Commander In Chief. How successful would a wide receiver be without a Quarter back? How successful would a batter be without a pitcher to throw him the ball. How successful can the Church be, without The Lord being the center of our focus.

Satan thinks like boxers. If the body goes down the head will follow. What Satan doesn't take into consideration is that our head is watching every punch he throws. It's telling us which way to move in order to dodge his punch. He is telling His hands which punches to throw. His feet which way to step, and his body to tighten up to deliver the blow. God is undefeated, and undisputed. He defeated the one thing that Satan had control over, Death. The best way to get to your destination is to follow someone who has already been there, and who knows all the safe routs.

Take a look around, and tell me what does the Church look like here today?

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Just let go

You know, I have been having problems, at work and at home. The biggest problem I have been having is in my walk with Christ. Well, today I hit rock bottom. I took my dog out, and because she wouldn't go to the bathroom when I wanted her to, I actually kicked her. I felt so bad, and started wondering. If I did this to my dog, whats next? So God told me that I needed to talk to someone about this. I ended up going to one of the men, who I look at as a big brother, and spiritual mentor's house. We sat down and had a couple of cups of coffee. We talked for about two hours. We talked about everything, I mean I held back no punches at all. I let it all out. I humbled myself and let this guy know everything that was bothering me. We went back and forth like I said, for a couple of hours. He really helped me out a lot. He re introduced me to the passion that has slowly been seeping out of my soul. I had to go over there, there is no doubt about it. See, God is always giving us ways to get out of the hole we put ourselves in. Sometimes we go day in and day out, and allow the things of this world to bring us down. The devil will put temptations and put just enough in our lives to let us slowly walk away from Jesus. What are the things that we do to allow this to happen to us? We allow ourselves to be "too busy" for God. We stop reading the Word everyday, and slowly take our armor off. You wouldn't go into battle without your armor would you? I have a friend who is a cop and he won't go to work without his vest. In the same way, how can we go into this fallen world of evil and temptation without putting on our armor every day. The same way that friend of mine won't go to work without his vest, he definitely wouldn't go to work without his weapon. God has given us a sword to take with us into the daily battle we face. How do we use this? Jesus gave us an example in the desert, when Satan tried to tempt Him, He came back with scripture every time. This is the same way we use the sword every day. It is also there to convict us of the things we do everyday that God isn't pleased with. Keep in the Word, and so Will I. Put on your armor, hit your knees every morning be for you go out into the world prepare yourself, for the junk that I promise you will encounter every day. Let's go out into battle, as the armed, protected, and passionate soldiers that we are. And may the strength and wisdom that comes from the Holy Spirit, that God has so graciously given to us, guide you through your daily battle. Amen.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What to do

At work I have had something bothering me for a while. Recently certain things took place where I had the oppertunity to bring these things to the attension of the people who needed to know. In doing so the result was peoples lives would change drasticly. It did change these peoples lives. What I did was the right thing, and I know it. God without a doubt kicked me in the butt and made me say what I was fighting to say. Now I know that what I did was the right thing, but now I feel like I'm getting punished for it.

I don't get it. I am now working more hours in the week. Don't get me wrong, the overtime is good to have, but now I'm spending more time at work and less time at home, or in ministry. I know a lot of that ministry part is my fault. I need to be doing ministry at work just as much as anywhere else. I've beed given this great honor of being the men's ministry leader at my church and don't get to do much with is, because I work every other Sunday. I feel like I don't know anyone at church, and as the men's leader I should be building relationships with people in the church. I don't know what to do. I feal like I want to leave my job, but I know I can't. It is also taking a toll on my personal relationship with Jesus. My studies have almost completely stopped. I know this is my fault and no one elses, but I'm so tired at the end of the day. All I ask is that if there is anyone out there who accually reads this. Please pray for me. I really need it. May God help me.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Brother in Need

This afternoon I got a phone call from one of my Christian brothers whom I have been trying to talk to for weeks now, because I have noticed a few things that have bothered me that were taking place in his life. I know that for some that read this(if anyone still does) some one elses life isn't any of my business. I tell you that it is. Why, because of the aforementioned phrase "Christian BROTHER", brother of course being the key word. Yeah, you might say that even my biological brothers life is none of my business either, but yet again I tell you that if you can't tell your family the direction they are traveling is the wrong one out of love, who can you tell?

So, when I got home from work I called him back and asked if we could meet somewhere to talk about what he had mentioned in the phone call he made to me. After he agreed I asked if I could also invite another man that him and I both look up to, to join us in the conversation. With his consent I made the call. With no hesitation he agreed to tag along. At the agreed upon time the three of us met at a local Starbucks to pray and talk over his problems. Well, to make a long story short after we had beat that horse long enough the conversation had worked it's way into another direction. After a couple of hours I was ready to call it a night, but one of the other guys convinced me to hang out for a little while longer. After just a few minutes my brother just so happens to pull into the same Starbucks we were at for a cup of coffee.

So he joins us, and being another one of the man in questions trusted friends he fills him in on what is going on. I tell you this knowing it to be true, that was no accident. Oscar my brother had a lot of God given wisdom to bring to the table. At that moment all that I knew in my heart was confirmed once again. It was no accident that God put the four of us in that moment, at that place, all together for that reason. We still aren't sure what the tough decision that this man has to make will be, however I can tell you that it will be a choice guided by God himself.

It was amazing to see the things that I have learned through the last couple of weeks, and the sermons that I've heard all come together in that moment for the plan God had for us tonight. God is Great, and He is alive. He is working everyday in us, and as He has given me the strength tonight to obey him and get these three brothers together to lift up our falling brother, I pray that He continues to do so in my life. I challenge all who read this to take up arms and fight the good fight, obey the Lord our God and do not allow the evil one to attack our brothers and sisters, stand strong and know that God will give us the weapons to come out victorious. So, when you have a brother or a sister that is walking down the wrong street in the dark, take him/her that lantern that God has so graciously given us, grab them by the hand and lead them into the light.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

What are we doing? Look around, at all the people around you. What do you see? I see a lot of people that are losing the battle. I can't stand the idea that there are so many people out there that just don't get it. It hurts me to see all these people that just don't understand, and deep inside they have a real want to understand. When you go to church on Sunday, what do you see? How many people go to church on Sunday and stop there. Or, I guess this is a better question, do you go to church on Sunday and leave it there? Your Christianity that is. Or when you talk about it with someone out of church do you lay it all out there for them, or do you tell them that it's all peaches and cream. How often do you preach the word of God. Once a week, or in a safe place. You know it seems like we are afraid as a whole of our Christianity. Like we hide it, we do our thing on Sunday morning maybe mid week as well. Sure we tell people to come and see, or put up signs. How about telling them why to come. How about getting out there and doing what Jesus told us to do. How about instead of our church life not conflicting with our work schedules, our work not conflict with our ministry. How about taking any opportunity to minister. I don't know about you, but the God I read about in the Bible isn't all about coming and sitting in a little safe haven and talking good things. I see the God of the Bible coming out of that situation and becoming flesh in a human form, to suffer and die. I don't know what you think about that, but to me that is the opposite of scuttle. That to me is a down right wake up smack in the back of the head.

Why do we shy away from the things God wants us to do? Oh, I know because people don't want to hear us say this stuff. Well guess what, people don't want to stop at the red light on their way to work, but they need to so that they don't cause an accident. So you don't think they want to hear it, well tell them anyway, because that might have been what they NEEDED to hear. I look at the apostles and see, not some guys who went to church every week, but some guys who brought everywhere they went. And guess what, they left it there too. When they left, they left a church behind. Those people didn't know that they wanted hear the stuff they heard. These guys walked around and ate what they could find, and took beatings and imprisonment. They were criticized and humiliated. Yet they still pressed on. It didn't matter the obstacle that was put in front of them they had no intentions of stopping. They were not going to hold back because the people around them thought it wasn't "PC". Instead they spoke louder. Civilized, hardly, controlled never, passionate OH, yeah.

These guys knew that the enemy was strong, and tactful. Still they pressed on. They knew that they would be persecuted. Still they pressed on. They knew that the punishment for the words they were speaking could be and ultimately was death. Still they pressed on, and continued to add in numbers daily. They didn't give up our cower in the face of the enemy. They pressed on. I challenge you to do the same.

Come out of your comfort zone. Trade in your suits and ties for armor and swords. Your 1000 dollar Italian shoes go in for boots and a shield. Put on your helmet, grab your megaphone and Bible, and go find a corner and preach to all who will listen. Fight with all the weapons that your God has given you, prayer and love. Unite together as one body and fight the enemy with passion and courage. Face you adversary face to face standing strong under the protection of the Lord. Don't give God instructions, just show up, shut up, and report for duty. Be still and know that He is God.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

My first.

I preached my first sermon today. All I can say is WOW!! I now know how pastors feel. I wish I could do that every day. I don't know how I'm going to be able to deal with having to wait for the next time I get to preach. It is such a great feeling when you know that your up there doing something for the Lord. How can people get up there and do that for so many years and then deny that there is a God? No lie, I felt like I was standing in front of Him as He watched over my shoulder.

When I woke up in the morning I was so nervous, I was feeling nauseous. I was shaking and scared I was thinking about how bad I was going to do. "I hope they like it", " I hope that I don't mess up". What if... what if.. Everything was going through my head. I forgot my glasses, you name it I was afraid it would happen. Then, on the way to church I turned on the radio and David Jerimiah was preaching on the kind of nerve, or bravery we as Christians should have. We Christians should have the kind of bravery that surpasses the idea of failure. The kind of bravery we should have is the kind of bravery that doesn't recognize failure as even an option.

I get it now, the reason those feelings were there, is if you will look back at the earlier text in this blog you will see that the word "I" is in one form or another the most written word in all of the blog. So, now there is the reason why those feeling are overcoming me is because I am thinking about I too much. I"m not going to be doing anything. The Spirit of God will be the one doing the talking. Matthew 10:19-20"19But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, 20for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you." So when you feel like you are worried about not having the right words to say, Don't worry you don't have to say anything as long as you just submit, humble yourself, and let the Spirit of God speak on your behalf. At that point the wrong words will never come out of your mouth.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


I persecuted many people and put them under the knife,

The people who spoke of the Son of God that brought eternal life,

i didn't believed about who they spoke and laughed at what they said,

I knew for sure the man they call the Son was crucified and dead,

One day as I was traveling knowing every thing I've done was right,

I suddenly found my self on my knees, blinded by the light.

To my dismay the man they called the Son , and spoke wonderful things about

There he was in my face ready to call me out.

So, now here I am using whats left of my youth,

traveling from town to town teaching the truth.

So what is it that I denied that now I know is right?

OH, yes that's it, Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Light.

So as you go on through your week and live out you life as normal. Take the example that Paul set for us and show people the way, by speaking the truth, so that they can see the light.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Ten Commandments

The ten commandments, most of us know them, we often refereto them. It is said that out laws were made based on them. People often say that you need to live by them. My question is do you? Should you live by the ten commandments, what are they good for, and are they the basis for what we decide if we are " good " or not? Are we living the right way if we follow them.

Here is what I have to say about the ten commandments. I have had many debates about them, I have also got into some arguments about whether or not they mean anything to us or if we should just forget that they were even written? I say no. I think they are important, but not for what most people do. They are important for learning, for knowing that we can't do life by ourselves. If you think your doing right by following the ten commandments your not. How can you live by only ten of the hundreds there were. The ten are a summery if you will of the hundreds of the laws of Moses. Number two is that the law of Moses was fulfilled in Christ Jesus. Without the New covenant in Jesus we would not be able to do it. That's the whole point. We as a race were failing. Now in the new covenant we are saved by the blood of Jesus. We no longer have to try to look at these laws and navigate our live according to them. God has given to all who believe and are reborn into a new life the gift of the Holy Spirit who works with us who are in fact spirit and lead us on the path to righteousness. You no longer stop and think about throwing something out of the car window because you see a sign that shows you the fine for littering and it is against the law, you stop because you know its wrong, you don't need the law to tell you, you just know. It is the spirit of God that tells me not to punch the guy at the restaurant for talking junk to me. Not the idea that if I do I'll go to jail. See I don't need the law because the law isn't what shows me how to live, I have the Spirit of God living in me telling me what to do and not to do.

Going back to the commandments , They hold no relevance as law, because of Jesus. they are nothing more that a tool for teaching us that we have not the power to live according to the law even if we know what it is. And even if you go all your life referring back to the ten commandments and don't "break" any of them you still sin. So going through all that to follow them isn't going to save you anyway, the only way to be saved is by the blood of Jesus. So if you live your life according to the law you deny the power of the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. If you live life by the laws then the gift of salvation by the grace of God is not accurate. But you believe in the new testament which preaches salvation through Jesus by the Grace of God and are trying to earn your way to heaven by following the laws instead of just accepting the gift. Hebrews chapter 8 verse "13By calling this covenant "new," he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear." So utilize the gift God has given you and live life guided by the Holy Spirit and forget about the law. You will not break them is the spirit is leading you.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Christian Connectivity

I am a part of a men's group that meets every Thursday night, we do book studies and video studies, sometimes we pick a topic and take turns teaching on that topic(which is fun), but it is always an open forum, everyone has the opportunity to speak, ask, or put input. We do have rules, or more like guidelines if you will. Everything has to be scriptural, the common phrase used is that you have to be able to prove it by scripture.

Here is something that I have to say about that. I by no means think that the leader of the group feels otherwise, but as a general idea for people who take this phrase and literally go by it is a dangerous thing. Let me explain. The idea of using scripture to prove your point is something that shouldn't be practiced. What we need to do is get away from that and start speaking on the things that scripture already proved. It is very easy to take verses out of the bible and put them together to "prove" your worldly understanding of a spiritual meaning. Instead I say take what the scripture, God's living Word, has taught you and relay the message. This is where we get into these doctrinal differences, this denomination says this, this denomination says that. How can you take your views on something especially something Devinne and put your own little finite ideas in it and call it the Word of God? Not to mention what gives you the right and/or ability to tell someone else that they are wrong? I don't know about you, but I know that I'm not God, and if the Bible has all authority and is the living word of God then who else but Him has the right to do so?

The bottom line is that there is only one true, right, and sound doctrine. The doctrine of Jesus Christ the son of God, who died for our sins and gave us everlasting life. We need to go back to that, we need to go back to preaching Christ resurrected, and speaking only on the things that the Bible speaks. I know that there are people out there that do this, I wouldn't dare to say that someone is wrong unless they are obviously teaching what isn't written. I do know, and not by a lot of experience that it is easy to fall into the trap of using the Bible to prove your point. I just write this as a cation to any who might find themselves doing this. Just study, and pray. Speak only on what God tells you to speak on and nothing else. Teachers have been given an awesome gift, and responsibility in the Church so don't take it lightly, and remember when you teach to make prayer a big part of your preparation.

If your not a teacher and your ministry is different, take the time to pray over, with, and for your pastor. Let them know and see the love and support from their flock. Start a prayer ministry where every Sunday before the service gets started pull him aside and pray for him and the service. I know he will love it.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Why Did This Have To Happen To Me?

How many times have you asked yourself this question. While your in pain because of an injury, perhaps you have just go the news that your getting fired. Maybe worse, the loss of a loved one, the serious illness of a child, or sibling, or spouse. Your car gets stolen, you feel like you have had this incredible run of bad luck, "why me?" My answer to that is, as a wise man tells me on a regular basis, "It's none of your business." How right is that? I just so happen to find that 100% correct. It really isn't any of our business why these things happen to us, however it is our responsibility to keep our eyes open and our hearts pointed to God so that we can listen when he tells us or shows us why.

You hear a lot of people or even maybe yourself lose or question faith in God because of these things. Have you ever thought" would God really let me go through this" or " how could a loving God let this happen to me?" First of all as I said it's none of your business and if he wants you know He will tell you. Second is something that I read that really hit me and I love the way the author said this in Lee Strobel's "The Case For Faith" Peter John Kreeft, PH.D. said in an interview " How can a mere finite human be sure that an infinite wisdom would not tolerate such short-range evils in order for more long-range goods that we couldn't foresee?" See God can and often does make the most beautiful roses grow out of the ashes of evil to create a beautiful garden of good over it. The only way to see this is to keep your faith and let God show you.

Seven years ago I tore my A.C.L. in my left knee. All I could think about was, why? What could be the reason for this to happen to me? This was the worst physical pain I have ever felt, and emotionally it was pretty heavy too. My soccer career was over and that was all I had. Well, seven years down the road I get what I think might be the answer. I hurt my knee again at work, this is the worst I have injured it in seven years, and this big ordeal came of it with workman's comp. I never wanted or pursued this, but some how it came into the picture. Anyway I ended up going into work to talk to the district manager whom I have never had a face to face or otherwise conversation with. A couple of minutes into the conversation it was obvious that the conversation was heading down hill to the point where termination was almost in the next sentence. With help from my manager we saved my job, and the point of all this is, that they will give me some light duty and put me up front learning the computer system and dealing with customers to learn the sales end of the company which is like a fast rack to management. In fact, the district manager told me to apply for the sales manager position. Point? It took me seven years to get the answer to the "why" question, but it will come if He wants you to know.

Dr. James Dobson said, "Continuing faith is proof of true conversion" It's by faith we are saved not by works, so no matter how high the "highs" are or how low the "lows" are don't lose your faith. Find comfort in knowing that Jesus sympathises with us and all our "stuff". He knows what life is like to sleep well knowing that he understands and is on our side.