Friday, November 2, 2007


Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord Always; I will say it again: REJOICE!!!

That's right, rejoice in the lord ALWAYS, not some of the time, or when things are going good. Rejoice when things are going not so good, or bad for that matter. How easy is it to be pleased with God when He is giving you everything you ask for? Or when you can pay all your bills, or get a new car. What about when you lose your truck, your job, and your house? Or when your driving down the street? Or when your working that job you can't stand? How easy is it then?

Well, it's not. In fact if it was, what good would that be? It says rejoice Always. During the good and the bad, for richer or for poorer, through sickness and in health, for all of eternity. Unconditional, unending, uncircumstantial, no matter what, screaming, rejoicing from the roof top, Love for our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

God shapes us, He has this plan. He gives us the tools, knowledge and ability to use such tools, in order to do a great service for Him. He strengthens us through these trials He lets us go through. He lets us experience different hardships so that we can grow into the person He wants us to be for us to be used in accordance to His purpose. His will, is for His glory, to make Him happy. This isn't my story, or your story, this is His story, and he wants us to have a roll, weather big, or small, we get a part in His great story. (as the pastor from whispering pines cc. says) And that's a great opportunity, so REJOICE, you have a part in the greatest story of all, and when you go through those hard times, REJOICE, because He is letting you grow, and mold to the person He wants you to be, so that He can use you. So stay talking to him always, and listen and learn, for it is He who is the greatest teacher, and He who will show you the way to do His will. REJOICE, because you have been chosen to do His, God's work.
1 Thessalonians 5:15-19 Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

With the glory always and forever given to our Lord God, in the name of our savior Christ Jesus, amen

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