Thursday, September 13, 2007


September 9, 2007 - Sunday
Today was our re-launch service at the high school. All I can say is WOW!!!! God was there and there were a lot of new faces and all of the same old faces. The service was great, and Billy preached a great message.
He talked about Job, and how no matter what was happening to him he never cursed God, but instead worshiped. The man lost everything, his livestock, his kids, his health, and still he tore off his robe and fell to his face in worship. Man, to have a faith and love for God so big that no matter what happens, in all things give glory to God, that's what its all about.
Things are going to happen, doors will close, curves will be thrown, and people will try to convince you that God has turned his back on you. The devil himself will sit on your shoulder using your own thoughts and trying to convince you that God has forsaken you.
Well I promise you that He hasn't, all you have to do is believe in him, trust that God will get you through what ever struggle you are going through. God knows what he is doing, I mean, take a look around at how perfect the world around us really is. He made all this, He made you and me, so how can there every be a mistake made on what we are put through. Some times in order to make a wall stronger, you just need to break it down and rebuild it. As for me I say, break me down, because I know that when He rebuilds me I know that I will come out stronger, and eventually He will have strengthened me to the point to where I'm ready to go out and do the work He has planned for me, and I know that the day he calls me to do work for Him, wherever it is , whenever it is I'll be ready, because I know that He is breaking me down to rebuild me and my family for something big in His eyes. And that's all that matters, is what He wants done.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that no matter what you think you are going through, no matter who is telling you that your on your own remember, that in Matthew 28 Jesus tells us, in verse 20 "And surely I am with you always until the very end of the age.". We are not alone, and not only are we not alone as alone as we may feel sometimes, but we are loved and God asked us to cast our worries onto him because his worries are little. So, what do I say, I say God is strong enough to carry the worries of all creation on his shoulders with out breaking a sweat, and I can't carry my own. So I'll give them to Him and let Him do with me as He will. I hope you will to.
May the peace of Christ Jesus be with you,

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